GeoImaging Tools 2.0
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GeoImaging Tools 2.0

Provides users a suite of tools for processing and analyzing imagery in the GIS
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2.0 See all
PCI Geomatics
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Awards (1)
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Software Informer Virus Free award
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69 MB

GeoImaging Tools for ArcGIS provides ArcGIS users a suite of tools for processing and analyzing imagery in the GIS.
PCI Geomatics is introducing a suite of modules that integrate directly into ArcGIS for achieving common image related tasks.
Users now have the option to save the correction parameters into the Raster Processing Definition (RPDef) format, reducing data duplication using PCI’s powerful sensor model definitions.
With the Image Correction Module, ArcGIS users can:
-Satellite (Optical and SAR) and aerial sensor support for integration into ESRI workflows
-Improve the registration accuracy through the collection of control points
-Perform accurate change detection and feature extraction operations in the GIS using imagery corrected using GeoImaging Tools for ArcGIS
-Correct many images simultaneously using block bundle adjustments – using tie-points to achieve even higher levels of registration accuracy



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